Family Owned & Operated For Over 60 Years
Family owned and operated, and with history dating back to the early 1900’s, Viking Supply was established in 1959 by John F (Jack) Kindelan. Jack worked for, and later owned, his father’s plumbing & heating supply business (Providence Supply), before moving to Westerly in the 1950s.
A few years after establishing Viking Supply, Jack became disabled and his wife Viola (Vi) continued to run the business until her retirement in 1994. John, Jr. joined her full time after graduating from college, followed by his brother, James and later sister Mary Ellen.
Viking is now in its 3rd generation as we have been joined by John F. Kindelan III (Jack). The business has grown from a small business run out of the basement of the family home, to two full-service locations, one in Norwich, CT and one in Westerly, RI.
Employee Bio’s
Christine Crowley
Christine has worked with Viking Supply since 1990, and became part-owner in 2023. She works in accounting, updates prices, and does some inside sales. She is always happy to take orders and help customers with any questions they may have. Her son, Sean, also works at Viking Supply in the shipping department. Her other son, Brendan, is extremely talented and good looking. Unrelated to that, he is responsible for writing the Viking Supply employee blurbs.
Jay Mayne
Jay has worked with Viking Supply since 1992, and became part-owner in 2023. Probably the most knowledgeable in-house member of the Viking family, his presence is greatly appreciated at the shop. He currently works in inside sales and is the primary Kindelan-to-english translator.
Russ Riley
Russ can be seen with a sometimes smiling face at the front counter. He has worked at Viking Supply since 2005 and has recently ventured out from his office into the daylight to work outside sales. This has improved in-house morale substantially.
Ulises Hernandez
As a Viking Supply employee since 2007, Ulises – better known as Uli – pretty much runs everything. He is a connoisseur of the warehouse and will often be seen taking orders at the front counter. He can also frequently be heard singing Christmas songs in the warehouse, though mostly in the summer to the joy of none.
Zach Edwards
Zack has served as a Viking Supply employee since 2015, currently in our shipping department. His additional responsibilities include plowing the parking lot, overseeing truck maintenance, and selection of terrible warehouse music. He comes from a family of plumbers and has proudly served in the United States Army.